Affiliate Program

Be the voice of Mingda,
Earn up to 10% commission

Affiliate Program connects influencers and their audiences with
one touch smart auto leveling printers proudly created by MINGDA.

Affiliate Program

Be the voice of Mingda,
Earn up to 10% commission

Affiliate Program connects influencers and their audiences with
one touch smart auto leveling printers proudly created by MINGDA.

How does it work? 
Click "join us" to register, please make sure provide all the information required.

The qualified affiliate will be notified by email. You will receive a review unit, a dedicated affiliate link or a coupon code.

Create and Share
Create related content with a 3-monthperiod. Don't forget to includeyour affiliate link or coupon code!

Reevaluate and Earn

The commission is determined by the overall performance of your content, up to 10%, reevaluated and paid every 3 months.

Terms and conditions apply.
How does it work? 


Click "join us" to register, please make sure provide all the information required.


The qualified affiliate will be notified by email. You will receive a review unit, a dedicated affiliate link or a coupon code.

Create and Share

Create related content with a 3-monthperiod. Don't forget to includeyour affiliate link or coupon code!

Reevaluate and Earn

The commission is determined by the overall performance of your content,up to 10%, reevaluated and paid every 3 months.
Terms and conditions apply.

Who should join? 

• A social media influencer with fast-growing followers

• A blogger, a website editor or journalist
• An admin or moderator of a forum
• A creative with unique impact

Who should join? 

• A social media influencer with fast-growing followers

• A blogger, a website editor or journalist

• An admin or moderator of a forum

• A creative with unique impact

Still need help?  

More information, please contact: